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2020/04/08 2017/08/25 前作「Anno 2070」から1世紀以上も時代を先に進めた「Anno 2205」は,23世紀に入ったばかりの地球が舞台となる。 人類は,一度は乗り出していた月面 At this page of torrent you can download the game called "ANNO 2205" adapted for PC.Game was developed by Blue Byte Mainz, published by Ubisoft and released in 2015.If you like Strategy games we recommend it for you. Game Take off into space! In ANNO 2205 you are joining human-kind‘s next step into the future, with the promise to build a better tomorrow. You conquer Earth, establishing rich, bustling cities and grand industrial complexes, but to secure the prosperity of your people you must go into space. 2017/11/30 2020/06/30

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